54 Cards Loteria

Posted : admin On 4/6/2022
54 cards loteria online

The JSC Hispanic Employee Resource Group Presents: Space Lotería

  1. 10 PLAYERS: The loteria game comes with 10 playing boards, 54 playing deck cards, and even includes chips! La baraja de loteria viene con 54 cartas, y es para 10 jugadores!.5 WAYS TO WIN.
  2. A collection of scanned Loteria sets. I currently have upwards of 60 distinct Loteria sets, and am slowly scanning them all. Cheap cardboard loteria 2008-03-24 22:54 This one came as a set of perforated. My Loteria, by Cristina Sosa Noriega. New Loteria cards designed by artist.

JSC makes diversity and inclusion a priority and demonstrates a commitment at the highest levels of the organization. Though it’s Employee Resource Groups, (ERGS-voluntary grassroots groups of employees that share a purpose, interest, or background) JSC actively partners and builds constructive relationships with schools, community-based organizations, small businesses, and professional associations to expand outreach to diverse communities. The Hispanic Employee Resource Group (HERG) has an active volunteer base that routinely participates in K-16 community outreach and needed a tool that would communicate the value of NASA in culturally relevant way.

Mexican Loteria Cards Printable – mexican loteria cards printable, Just what is a card? Card is piece of heavy, tough paper or slim pasteboard, specifically one employed for producing or printing on; a bit of thick paper printed using a snapshot and accustomed to send out a note or greeting; a compact rectangle-shaped bit of dense paper using a person’s label and also other details printed.

Traditional Lotería
Lotería is a well-known game from Mexico, similar to bingo, which uses iconic images on a deck of 54 cards for a caller and a 16-image grid for each player. The caller randomly selects a card from the deck and announces it to the players by its name. The players look for a match on their grids and cover it with a marker. The first player with four images in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, squared pattern, any other previously specified pattern, shouts “¡Lotería!” and wins the game.

Space Lotería
The HERG developed a “space” Lotería, replacing the traditional images with images representing NASA’s six communications priorities and provides both the English and Spanish names for the images. The back of the caller cards contain a related “fun fact” in both English and Spanish that help tell NASA’s history, present, and future exploration.

Pilot Success
The game was piloted at several internal JSC employee events and at the 2015 Hispanic Engineering, Science and Technology week for an audience of approximately 3,000 middle school students and educators. Employees and educators alike have shown significant interest in acquiring the materials for use in classrooms, STEM events, and family science nights in local communities around the country.

To obtain a copy of the Space Lotería, click the links below to download the deck cards containing the 54 cards for the caller and the grid/game board for the players. You would need to download and print your own Space Loteria set.

Scroll down to see all 54 Loteria paintings in this installation

This installation comes from an appreciation for the beauty and heartfelt magic that only Mexico and its people can offer.

Every culture has its idioms and icons -certain words and images that transcend the literal and reside in the psyches of the people. This installation entitled “La Lotería: An Exploration of México” explores some of the ubiquitous images of Mexico by using the format of La Lotería, a popular Mexican game of chance. This artwork has drawn upon Mexican traditions, historical figures, gastronomy, and popular culture, translating them into images familiar and recognizable to those who have experienced this distinctive culture. The purpose of this installation is to inspire interest, understanding, and dialog between the people of the United States and Mexico.

I wanted to show people in the US how sophisticated and rich the culture of Mexico is, in a fun and interesting way by using the format of the much loved Mexican game of chance called “Lotería.” There are 54 cards in a Loteria deck -hence the total number of 54 small paintings in this installation. I wanted to paint images, impressions, and ideologies that would tell of my experiences of the Mexican culture in a fun and objective way.

54 Cards Loteria Nacional

Though I have been traveling, and living in Mexico off and on for over 20 years, this installation was conceived while I was living in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mx. in 1995 – 1997. I spent 1 year in research on the historical and social importance of this game, and 1 year in production.

Many images within this installation depict icons of humor, irony, and faith found throughout Mexico which are concepts that are often employed to deal with the harsh realities of life. These concepts allow many people living in Mexico to maintain sanity in a context, that at times, seem controlled by the irrational.

Many Americans at the time, only knew of the stereotypical persona of someone from Mexico as a day-laborer, housekeeper, or child care provider, and I wanted to help change and broaden that perception. Fortunately, the NEA and the Arizona Commission on the Arts agreed to my proposal in 2000 and gave me a grant to research and fund this project in order to bring more awareness to the American people about our neighbors South o the border.

This work resulted in having an official ¨Nuevo Lotería¨ game published by Don Clemente Gallo, who also sponsored the tour of the artwork to various Museums and Cultural Centers in Mexico. The royalties I earned from Gallo, I donated to FAI Save the Children Foundation, Mexico. Then with the help of the AZ Commission on the Arts it toured in the US for approx. 10 years. If you are interested in exhibiting this work please feel free to contact me. Also I had the fortune to collaborate with the famous Latin-America writerIlan Stavans publishing a book titled “Loteria” by UA Press.

All 54 loteria cards

The images depicted in this installation run the gamut from the mundane to the obscure. Anyone who has crossed the border, ventured into the central highlands, or spent time on the beaches of Mexico will find some or most of these images familiar.

Each image was created independently without reference to the others. Despite this, certain themes may be discerned within the installation. Food, for example often has strong ties to national identity. When consumed, it often evokes memories of childhood and family ties. The food depicted within this installation is found throughout Mexico –including comfort food dishes like No. 50 Pozole”a green or red chili based broth with hominy and pork along with lots of fresh garnishes of lettuce, limes, chili, oregano, radishes, onions, cilantro and tostadas to break up and put on top. “No. 19 Los Nopales” is a vegetarian dish of cactus pads, and the refreshing drink of rice milk and cinnamon No. 17 Horchata” often served in plastic bags and a straw. Many street corner vendors offer sugary long donuts No. 49 Los Churros”and flavors of guava and mango popsicles No. 22 La Paleta” and children peddle gum extracted from the sap of the Sapodilla trees in the Yucatán Peninsula “No. 24 Chicle.”

On the surface, Mexico may appear to be a homogeneous society in regards to its Catholic beliefs. However, faith is practiced in a wide spectrum. This ranges from the traditional objects of devotion Candles “No. 16 La Veladora”many are lit in churches or home altars to ask for help. Displayed in churches and cathedrals “No. 26 Ex-votos”are testaments to the saints who answered their prayers, typically painted on tin. You’ll see tiny medals of body parts, proclaiming and asking for miracles “No. 36 Los Milagros”and Hand Carved Saints with the colonial Spanish blue painted bodies No. 11 La Santita Azul”to images of the wealthy pope with a gold tooth shown as a Day of the Dead sugar skull No. 23 Dia de Muertos.” Magical powders for protection No. 33 Polvo Magíco” and the ever-present diablito No. 21 Lujeriawho provides continuous temptations in all forms of lust and money. These are all examples of the indigenous, colonial, and contemporary mix of beliefs found in Mexico.

The male figures in this installation embody many of the traits most admired in Mexican culture. We see the machismo of the street-corner fire eater “No. 5 El Tragafuegos” and the professional wrestler “No.7 El Luchador.” We see the quiet dignity of the unassuming humanitarian physician Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez “No. 3 El doctor” so widely revered throughout Latin America known to posthumously leave prescription notes by the bedside of the ill who prayed to him. Ironically the two most recognized men within this series are masked. Since Pre-Columbian times Mexico has been enamored with the mask. It serves as both a shield and a hiding place. The famous good-guy luchador who gave his winnings to orphanages “No.9 El Santo” and the popular spokesperson for the Zapatista movement, Subcomandante Marcos “No. 39 El Revolucionario” each represent a masked champion whose silent face embodies the face of millions.

The female figures of this series also represent strong individuals whose actions have had an impact on many, even if their voices were heard by only a few. “No.12 La Corona”refers to the pious nuns whose portraits were painted for posterity before entering the cloistered 17th century convents to never be seen again after taking their vows to God. A paper mache doll with a name on it “No.51 La Muñeca”was used by prostitutes who would indicate their availability by displaying them in the windows of brothels. We see the revolutionary Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez “No. 52 La Corregidora” whose whispers helped free Mexico from Spain, and the Virgin of Guadalupe who spoke only to Juan Diego and became the crucial link between European Catholic and indigenous spirituality. No other woman’s image is as widespread as this Virgin’s, whose depictions run from the divine to the sublime, from high art to kitsch as in “No. 47 La Virgen Fosforescente.”

54 Cards Loteria

Mexico offers a broad spectrum of popular and high culture, from the fashionable modern soap opera “No. 54 La Telenovela”and the graphic novels of “No. 18 La Historietas” to the famed poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz No.32 La Poetisa.” How poignant to realize that Sor Juana’s works were deemed scandalous and she was ostracized in her own lifetime, yet her face now graces the Mexican currency used to purchase the necessities of life -a perfect example of how sometimes irony and humor are often unintentionally juxtaposed in a culture. This installation embodies only a portion of the diversity of Mexico, and its aim is to give viewers from America and other cultures a sense of the richness Mexico offers to the world at large. We all share similar beliefs –including desire “No. 2 Desear”liberty “No. 38 La Libertad” and a sense of destiny “No. 40 El Destino.” Although this installation is only a small attempt to express the unique culture of Mexico from an outsider artist like me, may passion serve as apology for imperfection.

“Lotería: An Exploration of Mexico” understanding the culture of Mexico in the format of the traditional Mexican board game “La Lotería.” A series of 54 paintings each representing themes of food, social, historical, and pop-cultural imagery from the culture of Mexico, experienced by American artist Teresa Villegas. The original artwork of this installation is available for purchase and exhibition contact artist here.

54 Loteria Cards Names

Limited edition prints from this collection are available for sale on Etsy.com