Bingo Sealed Tickets

Posted : admin On 3/27/2022

1 Window Seal pull tabs ticket from Bingo King. Trade Products. 4 Corner Bingo Sealed Ticket 770 Ct. SKU: DASH002 Category: Pull Tabs - Event Tickets - Sealed Tickets-Click To Shop!

Charitable Games - Sealed Tickets

Under the sealed ticket law, nonprofit permittees shall purchase the games from the Department of Consumer Protection at ten percent of their resale value, until the current supply is exhausted. Then organizations will purchase tickets from vendors permitted by the Department of Consumer Protection.

Obtain a Sealed Ticket Permit and/or an Individual Sales Permit Number (ISP)

First-Time Sealed Ticket Applicants (For Organizations that never sold sealed tickets in the past)

  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Organization) (CGS-4) fillable PDF
  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Organization) MONTHLY (CGS-4A) fillable PDF (Complete this form rather than the CGS-4 application ONLY if applying to sell sealed tickets one day per month)
  • Sealed Ticket Application Supplemental Form (CGS-4C) fillable PDF
  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Individual) (CGS-2/2A) fillable PDF or

PLEASE NOTE: If your organization has never sold sealed tickets in the past, it must complete a CGS-4 (or a CGS-4A for monthly sales activity) and CGS-4C application, and each of its volunteer members who will assist with the sale of sealed tickets must complete a CGS-2 and CGB/S-2A application. The person designated on the application for the sealed ticket permit who will be responsible for the sale of sealed tickets must review and be familiar with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Administrative Regulations, Distribution And Sale Of Sealed Tickets, and Public Act 03-178, as well as important policies regarding sealed tickets. The designated Member In Charge of sealed ticket sales should keep these laws, regulations and policies available for reference and use

Previous Sealed Tickets Applicants

Bingo sealed tickets
  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Organization) (CGS-4) fillable PDF
  • Sealed Ticket Application Supplemental Form (CGS-4C) fillable PDF
  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Individual) (CGS-2/2A) fillable PDF
  • Public Act 03-178 - 'An Act Concerning Charitable Bingo And Sealed Ticket Sales' PDF

PLEASE NOTE: If your organization has sold sealed tickets in the past, it would only need to complete a CGS-4 and CGS-4C application for a sealed ticket permit. New volunteer members who will assist with the sale of sealed tickets, but have never applied for or received an Individual Sales Permit Number (ISP) with your organization in the past, must complete a CGS-2 and CGB/S-2A application. The person designated on the application for the sealed ticket permit who will be responsible for the sale of sealed tickets must review and be familiar with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Administrative Regulations, Distribution And Sale Of Sealed Tickets, and Public Act 03-178, as well as important policies regarding sealed tickets. The designated Member In Charge of sealed ticket sales should keep these laws, regulations and policies available for reference and use.

PLEASE NOTE: If your organization has newvolunteer members who will assist with the sale of sealed tickets, but have never applied for or received an Individual Sales Permit Number (ISP) with your organization in the past, those individuals must complete the following application forms:

  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Individual) (CGS-2/2A) fillable PDF

Bingo Sealed Tickets Presale

Individual Sales Permit Number (ISP) Applicants (For individuals to apply to assist their organizations with sealed ticket sales activity)

  • Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Individual) (CGS-2/2A) fillable PDF

If the applicant will be the Member In Charge of its organization's sealed ticket sales activity, the following material must also be reviewed and complied with:

  • Public Act 03-178 - 'An Act Concerning Charitable Bingo And Sealed Ticket Sales'

PLEASE NOTE: The designated Member In Charge of sealed ticket sales should keep these laws, regulations and policies available for reference and use.

Samples of Completed Sealed Ticket Applications

  • SAMPLE Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Individual) (CGS-2/2A)
  • SAMPLE Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Organization) (CGS-4)
  • SAMPLE Application for Permit to Sell Sealed Tickets (Organization) MONTHLY(CGS-4A)

Bingo event tickets and sealed tickets (also known as pull tab tickets) are a popular and effective fundraising item for charitable nonprofit organizations. Sealed tickets are sold to players at Bingo games, civic clubs, and fraternal and veterans organizations like the VFW, American Legion, and Elks. The object of the game is to open the perforated windows on the back of the ticket and match the symbols inside the ticket to the winning combinations on the front of the ticket. Winning sealed tickets and bingo pull tabs are turned in for a cash prize.

Sealed tickets:

• Are easy to play
• Have high payouts
• Are fun to play
• Provide definite profits to nonprofits
• Have frequent winners
• Require no skill to play

Reasons Charities Sell Sealed Tickets & Pull-Tabs

• Predictable level of income and payout for the seller
• Sealed tickets are perceived as a form of entertainment and add to social interaction within an establishment
• Sealed tickets generate big dollars and profits
• Where else can you make that much money in such a short period of time?
• Those who participate in gaming are typically engaged with several games or activities - not just one!
• Consumers enjoy having a variety of gaming activities to choose from, especially within the same establishment and between Bingo games.

Bingo Sealed Tickets Lottery

• Play and redemption happen very quickly for sealed tickets

Bingo Sealed Tickets Discount

Bingo sealed tickets 2020Sealed • People enjoy playing sealed tickets in a group along with the entertainment it provides
At CT Bingo Supply, we carry a wide variety of Connecticut-approved pull tab raffle tickets and Bingo event tickets from quality pull-tab tickets manufacturers, giving players a reason to play and win. CT Bingo Supply offers both five window sealed tickets and Bingo event game tickets in many denominations. We are fully-licensed as a sealed ticket games distributor, and a sealed ticket machine dealer by the State of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection.

Bingo Sealed Tickets

Here you will find five window tickets, Bingo event games and so much more. If you are looking for something not offered or you have a question concerning any of our products, we encourage you to contact us.